
Chris Fonnesbeck - Probabilistic Programming

September 15, 2019 Thomas Wiecki Season 1 Episode 1

I am beyond excited to share this first episode of the PyData podcast with you. The idea is to have a free-form discussion with interesting guests which does not shy away from more advanced topics.

In this episode I talk to Chris Fonnesbeck: Professor for biostatistics at Vanderbilt University and, as of recent, Data Scientist at the New York Yankees. We start off this discussion by talking about Bayesian statistics, probabilistic programming. Chris then talks about the history of PyMC and what the current status of PyMC4 is.

We then dive more into his background and how he moved from marine biology to become a data scientist in sports analytics and the lessons he learned along the way.

Special thanks to my Patreons Andrew Ng, Daniel Gerlanc, and Richard Craib.

If you would like to support the podcast go to: https://patreon.com/twiecki

Follow Chris on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fonnesbeck

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